Chapter 1
Prologue: Twin-Tails and Me
I love twin-tails.
Ever since I can remember, I've always thought that twin-tails are what make the world a beautiful place.
Looking up at the sky, I don't see the sun, but rather a round, smiling face with lovely, streaming twin-tails.
It sounds like an exaggeration, I get it, but it's true.
I love twin-tails more than anything else.
So, what are twin-tails, you ask? They are ponytails tied up on each side of the head.
They look best with long hair, but even short hair can make for a cute and fun twin-tail look.
There are just so many variations and possibilities for the twin-tail look.
Even if the term sounds unfamiliar at first, most people usually get it after hearing the description or being told to imagine a picture of a cheerleader.
Unfortunately, society sees twin-tails as childish or vapid.
Teenage girls, always eager to appear more grown-up, quickly abandon anything that makes them look younger.
Sadly, twin-tails are among those things.
This charming hairstyle is easily discarded as girls grow up.
Adult women rarely wear twin-tails. Perhaps they feel self-conscious or that the look is unflattering.
The man who asks a grown woman to wear twin-tails is either very brave or a fool.
So, as one grows up, twin-tails fall by the wayside until they are gone from your life for good.
That's probably how it should be.
Except . . . I was different.
The older I got, the more my admiration—really, fixation (or obsession, to be honest)—with twin-tails grew uselessly stronger.
I would unconsciously scan crowds for twin-tails or use my mental image-editing software to seamlessly overlay twin-tails onto people.
It doesn't bother me because I'm not consciously aware of it, but twin-tails are a large part of my life.
If I'm having a conversation and have said this much about twin-tails, the other person usually remembers they're late for something or have an urgent errand to run and hastily makes their exit.
It's always been like this, but I have no regrets.
I also have never felt intimidated or ashamed of my love of twin-tails.
A world where you can love what you love is surely the best.